The New Litter
Baby rabbits are called kittens
and an average litter size is 4-6 although one of my Does had 11 once and
another one only ever had 2 or 3 in each litter.
young are born, usually at night, completely helpless save for their ability
to suckle. They are entirely
dependent on the doe who, undisturbed, will tend them admirably.
Understandably she is anxious, and on the defensive, and resents any
interference at all.
is important that you do not disturb the doe or her babies.
Try to restrain your curiosity, at least for the first five days.
If you must take a peek, choose a time when the mother is out of the
nest and make it a quick look.
Make sure no light shines on the babies because, at this time, their
eyes are highly sensitive.
The doe knows by instinct how to raise her young, and if she is
interfered with and someone tries to handle her babies she may disown or
even kill them.
This may sound like strange behaviour from a mother who loves her
children, but it is not uncommon in the rabbit world.
Your rabbit, no matter how fond she may be of you, is instinctively
distrustful during this sensitive period.
the wild the young rabbits spend their first weeks underground in a nursery
burrow, stopped off from the rest of the warren and visited only by the doe
for suckling. In captivity it
will be perhaps three weeks before they will emerge voluntarily from their
nest in the doe's sleeping compartment, into the daylight.
this time they are fully furred, with ears and eyes open, and attempting to
eat a little solid food. They
will nibble at tender greens and hay, and take some whole meal bread and
milk. Their main nourishment remains their dam's milk, and the doe
will continue to suckle until they are at least six weeks old and frequently
as long as eight weeks.
eight weeks the kittens are almost irresistible, with all the perfection of
the miniature. Between now and
ten weeks is the best age to buy, when they are such a pleasure to handle
that they quickly become tame, and a delight to the whole family.
beautiful and endearing as they are, the kittens should be resisted unless
one has a mind to keep them imaginatively and well in a rabbit enclosure that allows for physical freedom while keeping them safe.
To reduce these rabbit kittens to mere backyard prisoners is
Dont be upset or worried if the Doe kills or abandons
her first litter. After eight years of breeding I can only count about 5 does that
have successfully raised their first litter. All the rest have either killed or abandoned
the entire first litter. It seems that they treat the first pregnancy as a trial
run to 'test the water' and then realise that it wasnt so bad after
It is difficult to define rules about whether you should
peep at the new-born litter or not. I have found that some rabbits dont mind whereby
others will become slightly more aggressive and may go for you.
I have also found that some rabbits dont take
particularly good care of their young and if I hadnt intervened the babies may have
died. They leave them laying in the middle of the cage or the young bury themselves so far
down in the nest that they never get fed. In fact, the sad thing is that when I felt the
babies were old enough to clean the cage out for the first time, I have then found dead
ones in the bottom of the nest box.
Another thing I found is that when the Doe has a large
litter she may separate some off into a separate corner. The first time my Doe did this I
put them all back in the nest and she later separated them again. She had 11 babies and I
later read that she was probably separating off the weaker of the litter and feeding the
others. Out of the 11, 9 survived so she didnt do too bad!
rabbit kittens:
males have a round genital opening, and gentle pressure around it will
expose the penis. The females
have a genital slit.